Yosef Benarroch
Rabbi Yosef Benarroch was born in Tangiers, Morocco and raised in Winnipeg. Following graduation from Joseph Wolinsky Collegiate, he received a Bachelor’s degree in Phys. Ed and Biology, and a teaching certificate from the University of Manitoba. He attended Yeshiva in Israel and received his rabbinic ordination in 1989 from Machon Harry Fischel Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
A fluent speaker of Hebrew, English and Spanish, Rabbi Benarroch taught Jewish studies and served as a congregational rabbi in Phoenix, Arizona and in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was Rabbi and Educational Director of the Sephardic Educational Center in Jerusalem from 1999-2010 and Rabbi and Director of Midreshet Eshel Seminary for Sephardic Women in Jerusalem. Rabbi Benarroch commutes between Winnipeg and Efrat, where his family resides.